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Scuba Diving in Malta, Europe
Dive Site: Madonna
Location: Marfa Point, Cirkewwa
Description: Reef
Depth: 30 metres max (100 feet)
Visibility: 30 metres (100 feet)
Rating: ***
The reef has a steep drop off to about 30 metres. The site is dived from the shore and is a good warm up to dive to the start a holiday in Malta. Marine life includes large scorpion fish and lots of fireworms, sea urchins and shoals of small fish. Halfway along the reef there is a statue of the Madonna, complete with plastic flowers, that was put there by divers as an added attraction. There are some arches in the rock that you can also swim through. Look out into the blue for larger fish such as tuna and barracuda.
Reader Reviews:
When the wind's in the right direction this is the ideal site for new divers. Susie's Pool (Maltese Island diving guide - Ned Middleton) is a perfect spot for a nervous diver to sample a little of what Malta has to offer. The access is easy and the possibilities endless, with caves and swim throughs, shallows and depths all close together. Go down the concrete pathway and get in the pool aided by the stainless steel handrails. Swim across the shallow pool and drop over the edge down to the Madonna at 18 metres. Go left or right for amazing scenic dives then turn around and backtrack to surface in safety.
Jef Proudfoot, SAA Dive Leader
Lovely dive with lots of green sea grass. We dived there on New Year's Day 2006 and saw two octopus, lots of small fish and a lot of jellyfish. Interesting seacapes, the grass makes it look a bit like rolling hills. Water was cool at that time about 17 degrees - we needed 7mm semi-dry suits.
Anna Wright, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
I dived this site in June 2006. Very beautiful drop offs, would be excellent for a beginner especially with the archway down at about 18m, by far the best part of this dive site. There is a lot of sea life we saw an octopus loads of starfish and a few jellyfish.
Richard Yeatman, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
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