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Scuba Diving in Malta, Europe
Dive Site: Paradise Bay
Location: Cirkewwa
Description: Reef
Depth: 30 metres max (100 feet)
Visibility: 30 metres (100 feet)
Rating: ****
The site is dived from the shore and has lots of interesting rock shapes that look fantastic against the rich blue water. It is a limestone reef with a steep drop off to about 30 metres. Sea life includes moray eels and scorpionfish as well as lots of shoals of chromis. Look out into the blue for larger fish such as tuna and barracuda.
Reader Reviews:
The shore entry at this site is quite dangerous; I have 11 stitches in my head to prove it! Take great care when climbing over the rocks. Stout soled wetsuit boots are recommended.
Derek Young
I cannot agree more about how slippery the rocks are. I also went over and cut my head open, spoiled the whole holiday, please take care.
Patrick Croucher
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