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Scuba Diving in the Red Sea
Reader Reviews:
Dive Site: Golden Blocks
Location: South Dahab, 28°26.342N; 34°27.812E
Description: Shore Dive / Coral Garden / Seagrass Area
Depth: 1 - 30 metres (3 - 100 feet)
Visibility: 30 metres (100 feet)
Rating: ****
Golden Blocks is a mix between coral gardens and sandy areas with almost all coral species represented. It has a coral slope with three sandy alleys in it. The first one starts at 10m and drops down to 30 - 40m. Here lies Dahab's only real wreck, a paddle boat at 20m. The second slope is like a small canyon with a beautiful little island of corals. At the third slope you will find an impressive gorgonian fan at 22m and beside it is a small cave. Shallower you have sandy areas with the 'Golden Blocks'. These are large coral blocks that go from 10m to the surface and are covered with anthias. Also in the shallower part you have beautiful table corals and small coral blocks where there is always a good chance to find big groupers or colourful nudibranchs. There have also been sightings of manta rays in this area. This site can also be recommended to do drift dives towards Moray Garden.
Jan '07, I have just returned from an excellent weeks diving with Daniela Diving Dahab. Ahmed was a great divemaster and guide, at Golden Blocks he managed to show me a pair of sea moths, they were at the end of the dive in about 1.5m depth, they blend in so well with the sand that they are very hard to see.
Jim Corboy
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