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Scuba Diving in the Red Sea
Reader Reviews:
Dive Site: Sinai House Reef
Location: Dahab
Description: Reef / shore / night dive
Depth: 18 metres max (60 feet)
Visibility: 10 metres (30 feet)
Rating: ***
We were diving with Sinai Divers located in the Hilton. The friendly
dive Center is located just off the beach and a 10-dive package
entitles you to 5 free dives on the house reef. Entrance to the site
is from the beach, starting in the confined area designed for training
purposes. The sandy slope drops off to about 15m with patches of sea
grass, anchors, tyres, broken pots and other things designed to
encourage reef life. There is also a natural reef about 15 minute swim
from the shore. The visibility is fairly poor, due to the tidal
currents within the lagoon, however it is well worth the effort with a
good variation in sealife.
We found this dive was best done at dusk, before the Center shuts, as
this is when the fish are out hunting, lionfish come out from their
home in the tyre to start hunting, and trevally and jacks are
rounding up shoals of smaller fish into the shallows. We also found
the elusive seahorse within the seagrass patches at about 6m. The
seagrass also provides a home for pipefish and pepper morays, with
yellow moth morays found within the reef itself. Flounders, hermit
crabs and goatfish can also be found feeding on the sandy seabed.
Jenny Pickles, BSAC Dive Leader
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