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Scuba Diving in the Red Sea
Reader Reviews:
Dive Site: Mashraba
Location: Dahab, 28°29.712N; 34°31.021E
Description: Shore dive / coral garden / seagrass area
Depth: 1 - 30 metres (3 - 100 feet)
Visibility: 30 metres (100 feet)
Rating: *****
This dive site covers the south side of the bay in Dahab and is the house reef for several dive centres. Enter onto the shallow sandy area which is good for confined sessions. After this it slopes down into a seagrass area to a depth of about 12m featuring a picturesque leathery anemone. Heading south at about 20m you will find some huge coral formations where you can find a potato grouper. At around 30m there is a little swim-through. Shallow up to find some big healthy table corals, and return towards the shore along a nice coral wall until you hit the seagrass again.
Just dived here in the last week, the swim through is actually at about 35 metres but its only a bounce dive so no problems really. Trevally etc can also be spotted here as well as the usual red sea suspects!
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