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Scuba Diving in the Red Sea
Reader Reviews:
Dive Site: Red Tooth Trigger Bay
Location: Dahab, 28°37.193N; 34°33.991E (90 min camel ride from the Blue Hole)
Description: Shore dive / coral garden
Depth: 1 - 30 metres (3 - 100 feet)
Visibility: 30 metres (100 feet)
Rating: ****
Entrance from the shore is easy in most weather, it starts off over stone and after a short distance moves onto a sandy slope. Descend and you will instantly find 'the Garden', as the local Bedouin call this site. Although it is only over a small area this dive is perfect as corals spread from as deep as 50m right up to 3m. Descend over the gradual sandy slope and divers will find that they are surrounded instantaneously by huge schools of bannerfish and red tooth triggers which is where the dive site got its name. Corals are found in small pinnacles with both soft and hard corals in pristine conditions. Swim over the table corals which are home to scorpionfish, anemonefish, anthias, puffers and many more. For macro divers nudibranchs are often seen here including the Spanish dancer, while turtles and eagle rays have also been spotted. This site is perfect for photography being beautiful at all depths with a surprising wealth of life.
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